
슬롯사이트 지니국제교류를 통한 글로벌 능력의 향상

글로벌 능력 향상을 위해 345개의 슬롯사이트 지니과 자매결연을 체결하였습니다.

이름 Hanoi University of Science and Technology
국가 베트남(Vietnam)
자매결연일 2015-12-02
홈페이지주소 http://en.hust.edu.vn/home
소개 설립연도: 1956년, 학교위치: L? ??i H?nh, Hai B? Tr?ng, H? N?i
Faculty of Social Science, School of Environmental Science and Technology, School of Transportation Engineering, School of Economics and Management, School of Continuing Education, School of Foreign Languages, School of Electrical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, School of Material Science and Engineering, Faculty of Physical Education, School of Heat Engineering and Refrigeration, School of Biotechnology and Food Technology (SBFT), School of Environmental Science and Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering, School of engineering physics, School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, School of Information and CommunicationTechnology, School of Textile-Leather and Fashion, School of Electronics and Telecommunications, School of Heat Engineering and Refrigeration