
슬롯사이트국제교류를 통한 글로벌 능력의 향상

글로벌 능력 향상을 위해 345개의 슬롯사이트과 자매결연을 체결하였습니다.

이름 University of La Sabana
국가 콜롬비아
자매결연일 2012-12-18
홈페이지주소 www.unisabana.edu.co

설립연도: 1979년, 학교위치:University of La Sabana Puente Del Comun Chia, Cundinamarca Colombia

- 학부: Business Administration, International Business Administration, Administration of Service Institutions, Administration of International Marketing and Logistics, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Industrial Engineering, Agroindustrial Production Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Social Communication and Journalism, Audiovisual Communication and Multimedia, Law, Medicine, Child Pedagogy, Psychology, Gastronomy, Economics and International Finance, Philosophy