
바카라 방법국제교류를 통한 글로벌 능력의 향상

글로벌 능력 향상을 위해 345개의 바카라 방법과 자매결연을 체결하였습니다.

이름 East China Normal University
국가 중국
자매결연일 2009-06-30
홈페이지주소 www.ecnu.edu.cn
소개 설립연도 : 1951, 학교위치 : 3663 North Zhongshan Rd. Shanghai, China
Humanities and Social Science(Department of Chinese Language and Literature,Department of History,Department of Philosophy,Political Science,Faculty of Law,Social Sciences,Institute of Ancient Books)/Institute for Social Development(Department of Sociology,Department of Social Work,Population Research Institute, Institute of Anthropology and Folklore)/ College of Foreign Languages(English Department,Japanese Department,Department of French,German Department,Department of Russian,Department of College English Teaching)/Foreign Language School(Department of Chinese Language,Department of Foreign Language)/Institute of Education Sciences(Department of Education,Department of Information Technology in Education,Department of Curriculum and Instruction,Institute for Higher Education,Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education)/Psychology and Cognitive Science(Department of Psychology,Department of Applied Psychology,Institute of Developmental and Educational Psychology)/Pre-school and Special Education(Department of Pre-primary,Department of Special Education,Hearing Rehabilitation Sciences Department of Speech)/Institute of Physical Education and Health(Kinematics system,Department of Physical Education,Department of Social Sports,University Department of Physical Education)/Institute of Public Administration(Education Management,Executive Management)/School of Business(Department of Economics,Department of Business Administration,Department of Informatics,Department of Tourism,Exhibition Management,Real Estate Department,Accounting)/ Finance and Statistics(Department of Finance,Department of International Trade,Risk Management and Insurance,Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science,Financial Engineering)/College of Communication(Department of Radio and Television,Journalism Department/Department of Communication Studies)/Arts(Department of Fine Arts,Department of Music)/School of Design/Institute of Technology(Department of Mathematics,Department of Physics,Department of Chemistry)/Resources and Environmental Sciences(Department of Geography,Department of Environmental Science and Technology,Department of Urban and Regional Economy)/Life Sciences(Biology,Life of Medicine)/Information Science and Technology(Department of Computer Science and Technology,Department of Electronic Engineering,Communication Engineering,Computing Center)/Software College(Software Engineering,Department of Embedded Systems,Digital entertainment systems)