
무료 슬롯 사이트국제교류를 통한 글로벌 능력의 향상

글로벌 능력 향상을 위해 345개의 무료 슬롯 사이트과 자매결연을 체결하였습니다.

이름 Kazakh-British Technical University
국가 카자흐스탄
자매결연일 2011-01-06
홈페이지주소 www.kbtu.kz
소개 설립연도 : 2001, 학교위치 : Kazakhstan, 050000, Almaty, Toli bi 59
Physical-Engineering Department/Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics/ Thermodynamics and Thermo Power Equipment/Theory of Mechanisms and Machines/ Theoretical Mechanics/Strength of Materials/Computer Engineering Design (AutoCAD)/ General Hydraulics/Metrological Provision of Oil and Gas Enterprises/Offshore Structures and Oil Platform/ Oil Pipelines and Offshore Structures Design/Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities Construction and Design/ Department of Petroleum Engineering/Physical Geology/Geodesy with Fundamentals of Topography/ Crystallography and Mineralogy/Structural Geology/Petrophysics/Subsurface Management Basics/ Sequence Stratography (with Paleontology Basics)/Geodynamics and Geotectonic Geology/ Geologic-geophysical Documentation Basics/Petroleum Geology/Exploration of Oil and Gas Fields/ Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology/Geophysical Methods of Exploration/Petroleum Seismic/ Geophysical Interpretation/Geophysical Modeling of Fields