
슬롯사이트사이트국제교류를 통한 글로벌 능력의 향상

글로벌 능력 향상을 위해 345개의 슬롯사이트사이트과 자매결연을 체결하였습니다.

이름 Almaty Technological University
국가 카자흐스탄
자매결연일 2010-09-13
홈페이지주소 www.atu.kz
소개 설립연도 : 1957 슬롯사이트사이트위치 : c. Almaty, str. Tole bi, 100 (str Baytursinov)
Technology of clothing manufacture/Modeling and constructing of cloth/Technology of knitwear manufacture/Exploitation of machines and equipment of food products production/Technology of baking, macaroni and confectionary production/Technology of barmy production and wine-growing/Technology of milk and milk products/Technology of meat and meat products/Technology of storage and processing of grain/Technology and organization of production of products of food enterprises/Information system /Economics, account and audit Management/Organization of service of hotel and tourism complexes/Marketing